Legalised Sports Betting–These Are The Myths

Now that sports betting has been legalised in the U.S., many people are for the first time ever at liberty to bet on sports. And its proved a booming and successful market, to say the least. But since the majority of people really aren’t willing to engage in anything illegal or even vaguely classified as a being a grey area from a legal point of view, many people are only now discovering what betting on sports entails and is all about. And since it remains to many, even after two years, new and unchartered territory, the concept of a legalised sports betting industry is not without its fair share of myths.

And so, this is us giving our best shot in an attempt to debunk some of the myths commonly associated with legalised betting on sports.

The House Always Wins

Perhaps true for some gambling games (not all games, it should be said!), but the house certainly doesn’t always win when betting on sports. Another myth is that the odds are completely stacked against sports bettors. The truth is that the edge commonly referred to as the ‘house edge’ is fairly small when compared to most other forms of wagering.

Yes, bookies do make money. Any business must make money if it wants to survive and thrive. But successful betting  relies a great deal more on knowledge and a (learned) acumen for making deductions based on that knowledge, that what it ever will relying on the plain old luck of the draw.

When talking sports betting, the house only ever wins when the bettor allows it to.

All Bettors Know The Difference

Between legal and illegal, that is. Not true. And even those who do know ‘it all’, will mostly only make the switch from illegal to legal betting on sports, if that switch were to be made as convenient and devoid of all effort as possible. We’re a species sold on convenience and instant gratification – there’s no getting around it.

In order to lure bettors away from rogue black-market operators toward a legalised sports betting industry, at least three key components must be clearly visible and present: access to more than one sports betting app (we’re also a people in love with ‘options’), remote sign-up convenience, including mobile sign-up, and the ability to bet from anywhere, regardless of location.

Restrictions on mobile registrations and the wagering of bets from a completely remote and mobile device remains the undoing of a successful legalised sports betting market.

Legalisation Leads To Corruption

Again, not true at all. Anything kept under the cover of darkness creates a scenario in which literally anything flies. Including corruption and match-fixing. Now that sports betting has been legalised in the U.S., match-fixers are now more than ever before in the entire history of betting on sports, being called out by ethical companies for the crooks that they really are. Betting through regulated books offered by legal bookies enables sports authorities to keep proper tabs on literally everything going down in competitive sports.

About the author

Signe Jakobsen

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